Canvas Painting To-Go! Kits


To-Go Art Kits
149 East Main Street, Northville, MI 48167

Looking for a little fun canvas painting project?
 We have new Art Kits To-Go.  Here's what you need to do:

1.  You select your Project and your pickup day and time.

2.  We'll pack it up with instructions and supplies including your colors to create a beautiful masterpiece right at home.

3.  Follow your instructions in your kit or watch a video on…

Select a day and time for your Art Kit To-Go pickup

Your Information


Project Selection

(Max of 10)
(Max of 7)
(Max of 10)

To-Go Contract

The instructions we provide in your kit need to be followed for the best outcome. Pricing above includes all supplies necessary for your project. Please call if you have any questions (248-347-6718). No Refunds will be issued only store credits will be offered when applicable.

Discount or Gift Card Code

Order Total

Credit or Debit Card

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