At-home kit

The Power of Light (2 weeks)

ONLINE CLASS: Please note this class is scheduled for online attendance.  Students will receive their link to join the class 24 hours before the start time.  


How can light add magic to an image? How can your awareness of the sun make your images shine? Through this two-session online workshop we’ll examine the basic principles of light and how these details can influence the visual and emotive qualities of an image. You’ll learn how to understand and appreciate the different visual results you can achieve using available light. 

In our first week, we’ll cover the technical and aesthetic qualities of light and prepare you for a week to investigate, observe, and capture light’s potential.  Use this week to build a toolbox of light, shooting daily to create a lighting mood board.  

Our second week we’ll review images together, providing group feedback and valuable troubleshooting tips.  Walk away from this workshop with a greater awareness of the power of light.

Who should take this class?

If you want to take sharper, crisper and more colorful images, you're going to love this class.  Not only will you start to see photography differently, you just might see the world differently.


Things to prepare

Just your digital camera, including DSLR, mirrorless, micro 4/3 systems. If your camera has the option for manual control of aperture, shutter speed and ISO (pretty much all cameras these days) it should be suitable for this class.  Make sure you're all charged up and have a bit of space to move around.  A high-speed internet connection running Zoom on a laptop or desktop computer is recommended.



No prior knowledge or experience is necessary.





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736 Bushwick Ave , Brooklyn , NY


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