Inner Vision: Building Creative Trust (6 weeks)

ONLINE CLASS: Please note this class is scheduled for online attendance.  Students will receive their link to join the class 24 hours before the start time.  


Do you struggle with giving yourself permission to make your creative work or trusting your inner vision? Do you feel creatively stuck and unsure of how to get unstuck? Do you find yourself making excuses for not making work? Then this class is for you! 

Over 6 weeks, this course will provide students with a safe space to unpack some of the mental roadblocks around making work such as fear, failure, permission, perfectionism, and overthinking while also providing tools for working with rather than against them. Creative photographic assignments will be provided each week along with short readings, A/V content, and various in-class and homework exercises.

Who should take this class?

This course is ideal for students who feel like they have hit a creative roadblock, want to get creatively un-stuck or anyone struggling with their own creative process.  


Things to prepare

Just your digital camera, including DSLR, mirrorless, micro 4/3 systems. If your camera has the option for manual control of aperture, shutter speed and ISO (pretty much all cameras these days) it should be suitable for this class.  Make sure you're all charged up and have a bit of space to move around.  A high-speed internet connection running Zoom on a laptop or desktop computer is recommended.



High-level camera skills are not necessary, but knowledge of basic manual operation is recommended.





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736 Bushwick Ave , Brooklyn , NY


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