Pottery Wheel Time - no instructor

1 hour of wheel time. 

Price includes:

1lb of clay and firing/glazing of 1 piece.

Extra clay is available at $10 per lb

Use of tools, equipment and aprons 

This pottery wheel time is for people that do not require an instructor - Either they have taken lessons before or they want to try it out on their own. Please note that although staff are onsite they might not know much about wheel throwing, this 1 hour session is truly for people that can be self sufficient. 

Pottery will need to slowly dry and be fired to bisque before it is ready to glaze (approx. 2 weeks). Price includes the glazing and firing of the piece on a second visit.

Please wear 'art' clothes, we have aprons but things might still get messy.


That Pottery Place

5000+ happy customers

That Pottery Place

7224 Baptist rd , Bethel Park , PA

That Pottery Place

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